This is the privacy policy for the Warn-App-Companion Android App (“WAC”).

WAC was designed with your privacy in mind, it does most of the processing on your device, 
and only accesses the internet where that is absolutely necessary, as explained below.

You can verify this by reviewing the source code at
and if desired, you can also build WAC from this source code yourself.


1. WAC reads the Rolling Proximity IDs (RPIs) and timestamps recorded by your device from the Exposure Notifications database.
   Alternatively, WAC can also read a database exported from a “CCTG - Corona Contact Tracing Germany” app or a “RaMBLE - Bluetooth LE Mapper” app. 
   That database contains e.g. RPIs, timestamps, and geographical locations, as recorded by the RaMBLE app.
   WAC does not record RPIs or geographical locations on its own, it only imports them from other databases.
   WAC only runs when you start it, it does not run in the background. To record the data mentioned above, 
   you need to use either your device’s Exposure Notifications framework, or the CCTG app, or the RaMBLE app.
2. WAC downloads the Diagnosis Keys from the official German Corona-Warn-Server and other countries’ servers, as selected by you.
3. WAC compares both in order to find matches (risk encounters).
4. If risk encounters are found, WAC shows details, including e.g. timestamps and attenuation (which relates to distance).
5. For encounters that were recorded by RaMBLE, WAC can also display the location. If you activate this location feature, 
   WAC will use the OSMdroid framework, which will send the location information to, and download a map from, OpenStreetMap servers.
WAC only accesses the internet for the features 2. (download data from the official warning servers), 
and 5. (if you ask WAC to show the location of an encounter, it will contact OpenStreetMap servers through the OSMdroid framework).

WAC does not show any advertising.

(This page is hosted at GitHub, source code at